To find out how to connect phone through Bluetooth:

Before beginning the Bluetooth connection process, please make sure:

  • the phone is switched on

  • Bluetooth is enabled on the phone

  • the phone is in the visible mode (Bluetooth settings)

  • the Bluetooth hardware on the computer:

    • is present (Bluetooth dongle has to be connected to the computer, if not integrated)

    • is installed properly (Ask the manufacturer for the latest drivers)

    • is enabled and switched on (some computers - mostly laptops - have a hardware switch to enable/disable Bluetooth broadcast).

Selecting the device:

Click the Discover available phones button to begin. Searching takes a minute at most. When the search is finished, the devices found are displayed on the left side of the dialogue.

It takes a minute until the device names are retrieved. Until then, there are rather incomprehensible addresses being displayed under the device's icons. It is recommended to wait until the information is retrieved.

When you select the device, you can read the details on the right side:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Status: Paired/Not paired

If you cannot find your device in the list, click Why is my device not listed to receive advice.

Pairing the devices:

You need to pair the devices to enable communication. Every BlueTooth device has to be paired to gain access to the other.

Select a pairing code. You can either use the preset code or type in your own. Click the Pair button to begin the process.

A pairing request should appear on the phone's display. You will be asked to enter the passkey. Type in the same sequence of numbers as in MOBILedit Phone Manager.

Once you have entered the correct passkey into your mobile phone the pairing process will be completed and you can proceed to detection.

Bluetooth device detection:

It is an automatic process that should result in the successful detection of the phone's port.

If the detection fails for some reason, you should:

  1. retry the detection (Click the Detect again button)

  2. try to pair again (Click the Pair again button)

  3. check for help (Click the Why is my phone not detected? button)

  4. continue to the troubleshooting section

Click Finish to connect the device.